Friday, January 29, 2010

Looks like there will be a homosexual marriage push at the Minnesota state legislature this year.

As a Minnesota Independent newsblog article points out there will likely be a push for homosexual marriage in the upcoming Minnesota legislative session. Senator Marty, the chief sponsor of the bill in the state Senate and candidate for governor, is both a firm believer in homosexual marriage and I'm sure interested in gaining the support of the gay community. They're a significant DFL party constituency.

Senator Marty's goal is to get the bill passed out of the committee though he doesn't expect it to necessarily pass the legislature.
“I’d like to have a hearing and a vote — assuming we have the votes– to begin moving the bill through the process,” he said. “Attitudes are rapidly changing, and by having a thoughtful discussion in committee, I think we can assist in that effort.”
I think a hearing would both give the issue a higher profile in the state and help make it a campaign issue in the fall; especially since all the DFL candidates for governor are pro-homosexual marriage.

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