Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Minnesotans United Hires More Than Half-Dozen Lobbyists To Redefine Marriage And Family

They can't hide it any longer, Minnesotans United was dishonest about their desire to "continue the conversation" on marriage.  Instead, they are spending vast sums of money on high-powered lobbyists to pass legislation to force gay "marriage" on all Minnesotans.

Politics In Minnesota just reported that Minnesotans United For All Families "has registered more than a half dozen lobbyists as they prepare for a push to legalize gay marriage this legislative session.
The anti-amendment campaign turned issue-advocacy group took a big step toward transitioning into a full lobbying group last week, registering several lobbyists from Twin Cities firm Messerli & Kramer to headline the effort. That includes Nancy Haas, Eric Hyland and Thomas Poul."
"Two members of LGBT advocacy group Project 515 are also part of the lobbying team:
Jill Sletten, who has lobbied with Project 515 since 2008, and the group’s executive
director, Ann Kaner-Roth."

Now is the time for pro-family, pro-marriage Minnesotans to make their voices heard and let their legislators know this is wrong for Minnesota.

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