Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Perspectives: Gay men only

Perspectives: Gay men only
by Judith Roback Morse

“Kids Do as Well with Same Sex Parents,” the headlines screamed. I crossed swords with Judith Stacey, one of the authors of this most recent study, at a debate at Bowling Green State a few years ago. I asked her point blank if she believed men and women were completely interchangeable as parents. In front of that very friendly audience, she said absolutely: the gender of parents doesn’t matter. And so she says now, in this new article the media loved. But midway through the article, her argument shifts from a “no difference” argument to my favorite definition of feminism: men and women are identical, except women are better."

"Let’s see now. We’ve shown that women are better parents than men. We have shown that gay men parent more like women than like heterosexual men. Therefore, it stands to reason that gay men are better parents than straight men, perhaps even including the child’s own father."

"Same sex marriage is being sold to the public as a small change, with “marriage equality” as the only important issue. I believe there is much more at stake in redefining the law and the culture surrounding marriage and parenthood."

This article supposedly showing that “kids do fine” with lesbian parents, has proven my point for me. The drive for same sex marriage will
marginalize men from the family, and lead to the belief that the only good man is a gay man."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

""The drive for same sex marriage will marginalize men from the family""

wow, fear and paranoia is not becoming.

But it is the way you have lead your congregation. It is the way you get to have your followers. All the major cult leaders of history has done the same. Its how a whole group of people were almost put to death in work camps and gas chambers.

I hope your congregation starts to see the fear and paranoia and leans towards the truth and light.